Course Descriptions

Interdisciplinary Studies - IS
Course Classification

Courses numbered 1-49 — are baccalaureate level (transfer) courses. Courses thus numbered are transferable to four- year institutions. Agriculture courses are designed to parallel the work taught in similar courses at California Polytechnic State University or at California State University, Fresno but may not carry the same number.

Courses numbered 50-99 — are associate degree level courses. Courses thus numbered are primarily for the student who does not plan to continue his/her education beyond the community college level; however, occupational education courses may transfer according to articulation agreements. Complete information on articulation is available through the Counseling Center.

Courses Numbered 100-201 — are non-transfer and are non-degree applicable; they are skill building or remedial.

Abbreviations for Degree, Non-Degree, and Transfer Courses

The following abbreviations designate degree applicable, transfer, and non-degree applicable courses:
(AA) Associate Degree
(CSU) Transferable to California State University System
(UC) Transferable to University of California System
(NDA) Non-Degree Applicable

  • IS-051
  • Portfolio Development
  • Credit(s) 1

Portfolio Development
IS 051 prepares students for the opportunity to earn college WHCC course credit for prior learning acquired through on-the-job training, independent study, or volunteer and personal experiences. Students reflect on their learning experiences and develop a portfolio to showcase their learning and mastery of the material.

Class Hours:
18 Lecture
  • IS-053
  • Job Readiness
  • Credit(s) 2

Job Readiness
IS 053 examines the employment process and teaches students to successfully apply and compete for legitimate and viable jobs. Professional resume, cover letter, and interview skills are mastered. The evaluation of job-seeker expectations and responsibilities as well as employer-anticipated 21st-century employability/core skills enhance students ability to acquire a job, remain employed, and further their careers.

Class Hours:
36 Lecture