Integrated Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management Certificate of Achievement

The Integrated Pest Management program prepares students for an agriculture production career; learning the skills needed for the production and care of agricultural crops through hands-on, real-world experience. Completion of the certificate qualifies students to enter the professional job market or the units may be applied as university transfer or to fulfill the education requirement for the California Department of Pesticide Regulation’s (CDPR) Agricultural Pest Control Adviser (PCA) license. This certificate program is for students interested in careers as Pest Control Advisers, Certified Crop Consultants, Qualified Applicator’s or Agri-chemical sales representatives.

On completion of the Integrated Pest Management program, the student will be able to:

  • identify common weeds found in Central California and statewide;
  • explain the methods of safely applying various herbicides;
  • identify insects and closely related plant and animal pests and pest damage;
  • explain the economic aspects of beneficial and harmful insects;
  • select possible methods and timing of control in a given circumstance;
  • understand the difference between California laws and DPR regulations;
  • diagram and describe the parts of a pesticide label;
  • understand the requirements to use a pesticide with a restricted label;
  • identify and describe the various DPR pest control certifications and licenses;
  • employ the principles and concepts of IPM in field crop environments;
  • explain the mode of action of pesticides, pesticide absorption by the human body, and the importance of poisoning measurements;
  • safely and properly mix, calibrate, apply, and dispose of different pesticide formulations utilizing different techniques and equipment.
Course # Title Units
Required Core Courses
CRPSCI 032 Weeds and Poisonous Plants 3
CRPSCI 044 Economic Entomology 3
CRPSCI 045 California Pest Control Laws and Regulations 2
CRPSCI 046 Integrated Pest Management 3
Plus 3 units from the following:
CRPSCI 001 Introduction to Plant Science 3
CRPSCI 002 Plant Science Theory 3
Plus 4 units from the following:
AG-010 Introduction to Agriculture 3
AG 011 Agriculture Sales and Communication 3
AGBUS 015 Computer Application to Agriculture 3
AET 010 Surveying 3
AET-011 Advanced Surveying and GIS Applications
AET 015 CAD for Agriculture 2
AET-016 Applications for Land Management in Agriculture 1
AET 021 AG-Irrigation Management 3
AET 022 Irrigation Evaluation/Design Principles 4
CRPSCI 006 Introduction to Precision Agriculture 3
CRPSCI 007 Advanced Precision Agriculture 3
CRPSCI 019 California Water 3
CRPSCI 036 Fertilizers and Soil Amendments 3
SLSCI 021 Introduction to Soil Science 4
Total 18


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