Research Project

BLH Demonstration Research Project: Broccoli

Zytonic Experimental Demonstration Research Design
Winter 2019-20 Demonstration Project:  Broccoli


Demonstrate the difference soil characteristics between soil treated with Zytonic or compared to untreated soil using weights of harvested broccoli to quantify benefits.

Summary of Results

Because the Zytonic was applied at randomly assigned blocks, we can utilize a basic linear regression model to get at the casual effect of the Zytonic applications. When we test a basic linear regression model, we find that Zytonic application had a positive effect of 94.44 grams and a p-value of 0.0288. This means the effect of the Zytonic application is statistically significant and is causally increasing the weights of the broccoli by 94.4 grams when it is present in the soil. This means, Zytonic has a positive effects on weights.


1 acre plot of broccoli to demonstrate use of Zytonic to students and growers.

Download Full Report (PDF)

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